Where Catholic Women Ask Questions, and Find Answers – Together.
Being a Catholic Woman in today’s world isn’t easy, and there are still plenty of unanswered questions – whether practical, spiritual, or theological. Named after feminist saint Edith Stein*, Dear Edith is a monthly Q&A platform giving women a place to ask, and respond, to these questions.
As needed, submitted questions will be chosen for publication, and throughout the following month, responses from other Catholic women will be posted. Our goal is to prompt growth, reflection, support and acknowledgement of the challenges women face in our Church today.
Read Dear Edith

Submit a Question
→ what do you most struggle with in your Catholic faith, particularly as a woman?
→ which teaching is difficult for you to reconcile with your everyday life? Tell your story!
→ do you downright disagree with a teaching, or struggle to see it as “fair” to women? Make your case!
→ what most holds you back from feeling like you “fit in” the Church, particularly as a woman?
Meet Edith Stein
Edith Stein (also known as St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross) was a feminist philosopher who lived in Europe in the early 20th century. She was raised in a Jewish family, became an atheist as a teenager, and later converted to Catholicism. Edith experienced discrimination in her own field of academia, but continued to be an advocate for women’s equality and education.
She wrote numerous speeches on women’s issues, which were compiled into a book – Essays on Woman. After joining a Carmelite convent, she was martyred at Auschwitz in 1942. She was canonized in 1998 by Pope John Paul II.
Submit a Response
Responses should be written in the spirit of charity. They may be in all or part a personal reflections, a story of grappling with the same issue, or a thoughtful perspective citing Church documents or other sources.
The intent of all Dear Edith Responses should be to reply to the original question in a way that enhances the discussion and adds perspective that may aid in reconciling the author’s experience with Church teachings.