Friday, February 25, 2022
February 25, 2022
February 25, 2022: The role women play in world peace

How is this happening?
The world watched in shock this week as Russia launched a military invasion of Ukraine. While it’s hard to believe that state-led warfare is still possible in the 21st century (have we learned nothing from the World Wars?!), others are saying “we saw this coming — and more could have been done to prevent it.”
What's happening on the ground?
Videos across social media show civilian neighborhoods damaged by bombs, people seeking shelter in bomb shelters, and traffic jams as people try to flee.
How is the Church responding?
Calling on the Queen of Peace.
Pope Francis also asked Catholics around the world to unite in prayer, tweeting: I invite everyone to make this coming 2nd March, Ash Wednesday, a Day of Fasting for Peace: let believers dedicate themselves intensively to prayer and fasting. May the Queen of Peace preserve the world from the madness of war.
What role will women play?
Women are needed at all levels of conflict management because our gifts uniquely equip us to find solutions to establish peace.
That’s right. Women are particularly skilled for this work of peacemaking because of our inherent capacity to “see persons with [our] hearts…independently of various ideological or political systems. [Women] see others in their greatness and limitations; they try to go out to them and help them.” (Letter to Women)
So, fellow peacemakers, let’s join in prayer through the intercession of the Queen of Peace in these coming days and work together to bring peace to our world. You can start right where you are.
Here are a few other top picks for the week...
READ: Women emphasize need for ‘reciprocity’ in Church ministry“
The church needs women and must call them to serve,” said women speakers at a Vatican conference on priesthood.
This was A+ content and a great example of setting boundaries from TikTok sensation Elyse Myers.
NOMINATE: Survey for Catholic women leaders
Do you know a Catholic woman in leadership? We are looking for nominations for an upcoming project!
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